Mental health and well-being supports within the SCDSB

The SCDSB prioritizes mental health and well-being for all students, recognizing the connection with learning and the capacity to respond to challenges. School staff are in an ideal position to promote positive student mental health. They do this through implementing in the classroom and curriculum everyday practices:

  • that support student mental health and well-being
  • teach social-emotional skills
  • build student knowledge of how to care for their mental health, identify signs of difficulty and reach out for help

They also provide ongoing classroom support and accommodation when needed, and observe to notice students who may need additional support. 

At the SCDSB, our mental health and well-being department staff play an integral role in supporting the mental health and well-being of all students, providing promotions, prevention and early intervention support to classrooms and students, and responding to student mental health concerns. They work with students, parents/guardians, schools and community services to help students achieve their potential inside and outside of the classroom. 

Students are encouraged to reach out to someone at school if they are feeling overwhelmed or discouraged. All staff can help and will work together to ensure student needs are met in the most equitable and inclusive environment possible. 

Student support staff
Child and youth workers
Our child and youth workers (CYWs) work within schools and classrooms to support caring conditions for learning, develop student mental health and help-seeking knowledge, guide student-led mental health awareness and stigma-reduction initiatives, and provide social-emotional learning opportunities.  

Attendance counsellors 
Attendance counsellors consult with school staff, parents/guardians and students around student disengagement from learning and irregular patterns of attendance. Our attendance counsellors help in addressing barriers to school attendance and support re-engagement in learning and students continuing their education through regular classroom, modified or alternative programs. 
Regulated school mental health professionals
Social Workers
Our team of social workers have a wide range of knowledge and skills, and in particular in the school context. They provide consultation to school staff, staff mental health literacy opportunities and expertise in early identification of student need. They provide both individual and small group mental health intervention services to students in areas such as mental health, personal and family stressors, crisis, school engagement and more. Their services are available by referral through school staff or through the form below.   
Student wellness - contact us for mental health and well-being support

Student wellness is a way for students, parents/guardians to reach out and find help for themselves or their child(ren). The service receives messages that are shared with the appropriate mental health and well-being staff for follow-up. The staff follow existing board and school protocols, and information shared about mental health concerns and needs remain confidential.

Please do not submit a request for urgent or emergency support.  The SCDSB does not provide emergency crisis service and the forms are only checked during business hours. Please refer to Get Help – Resources within Simcoe County for urgent and emergency support information. 

In case of an emergency, call 911.

*Student's full name

*Student's school

*Parent/guardian's full name

*Email where you can be contacted 

*Parent/guardian's phone number

*Please provide a full description of your request.

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