Fall 2024 sports round-up

Sports round-up: SCDSB athletes show they are ‘best in the field’ in early fall sports
Posted on 10/18/2024

Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) schools have a long-standing tradition of excellence in athletics. Student-athletes compete in the Simcoe County Athletic Association (SCAA) during the regular season, and represent the SCDSB and their schools in the Georgian Bay Secondary School Association (GBSSA) and Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations (OFSAA) championships.

In 2024-25, the SCDSB will share competition results and upcoming events to highlight athlete accomplishments and provide community members the opportunity to see them in action.

September-October highlights
Cross country runners from across the SCDSB are competing in the Georgian Bay Race Series throughout September and October. After two races, Collingwood CI has a clean sweep at the top of the standings in the novice, junior, and senior boys’ and girls’ divisions. Visit the SCAA website for current individual and team standings: scaasports.ca/cross-country-running.

In tennis, the SCDSB served up success at the GBSSA finals on Oct. 1, with at least one athlete or doubles team on the podium in every division. Eva A. and Abby E. from Banting Memorial HS, Quoc Huy N. from Bradford District HS, Cyrus S. from Bear Creek SS, Lucas L. and Max C. from Collingwood CI, Excellencia O., Katie H., and Emerson W. from Eastview SS, and Maddie M. and Alyssa K. from Innisidale SS will move on to the OFSAA championships in the spring. Full SCAA and GBSSA championship results are available on the SCAA website: scaasports.ca/tennis.

Golfers from the SCDSB were up to par in the GBSSA finals on Oct. 7 and Oct. 9. In the Individual Girls division, Danica A. from Nottawasaga Pines SS and Paige S. from Maple Ridge SS finished first and second, respectively. In the Individual Boys divisions, David K. from Maple Ridge SS finished first overall. All three of these athletes will move on the OFSAA on Oct. 16-17.

Upcoming events
Oct. 23

  • Boys’ and girls’ rugby sevens SCAA championships

Oct. 24

  • GBSSA cross country championship, Highlands Nordic (Duntroon)

Oct. 30

  • Boys’ A and AA GBSSA soccer finals

Oct. 31

  • Boys’ AAA GBSSA soccer finals, Maple Ridge SS, 2:30 and 4 p.m.

Nov. 5

  • Flag football GBSSA finals

Nov. 6-7

  • Junior and senior SCAA football finals, Maple Ridge SS, kickoff at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Nov. 12

  • Boys’ A and AA GBSSA volleyball finals

Nov. 13

  • Boys’ AAA GBSSA volleyball finals
  • Girls’ A, AA, and AAA GBSSA basketball finals

Nov. 14

  • Junior and senior GBSSA football finals, Maple Ridge SS, kickoff at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Details regarding upcoming events and full results are available on the SCAA website.

This initiative links directly to the SCDSB Strategic Priorities in the areas of Well-being and Community.

Sarah Kekewich, Manager of Communications
[email protected]