This update provides highlights of the SCDSB Board Meeting held Wednesday, June 19, 2024. For agendas, reports, and items addressed at the meeting visit the Board and Committee Meetings page of the SCDSB website. For a video recording of the Board Meeting visit the SCDSB YouTube channel.
Report from Student Trustees
Susan Sidlofsky, Superintendent of Education, on behalf of the student trustees provided a report from the Student Equity Think Tank. Superintendent Sidlofsky shared highlights of the work of the Student Equity Think Tank noting that their efforts focused on students’ sense of belonging and inclusion, establishing prayer rooms in schools, and developing affinity groups.
- Trustee Grummett thanked the outgoing student trustees for their contributions as representatives of students from across the SCDSB. Trustee Grummett congratulated Student Trustees Ayesha Maryam, Lucy Duncan, and Aalia Majid and wished them well in the next phase of their educational journey.
L to r: Trustee Grummett, student trustees Lucy Duncan, Aalia Majid, and Ayesha Maryam, Superintendent Sidlofsky
Trustee Tribute
Chair Lloyd presented the SCDSB medallists from the 2024 Canada-wide Science Fair with Trustee Tributes. Chair Lloyd noted that seven students and their projects from the Simcoe County Science and Technology Fair, all from the SCDSB, advanced to the Canada-wide Science Fair in Ottawa, which took place from May 26 to May 31, 2024.
Chair Lloyd congratulated all SCDSB student participants and recognized the five SCDSB Canada-wide Science Fair winners as follows: Anne B. from Cookstown Central PS for achieving a silver medal in the Junior division, Solomon K. from Bear Creek SS for achieving a bronze medal in the Intermediate division, Alina K. from Barrie North CI for achieving a bronze medal in the Intermediate division, Cyrus S. from Bear Creek SS for achieving a bronze medal in the Senior division, and Karys L. from Georgian Bay District SS for achieving a bronze medal in the Senior division.
SCDSB medallists with Chair Lloyd and Director Dance
Report from the Closed Session of the Board in Committee of the Whole
The Board ratified the following recommendations taken in the closed session meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Wednesday, June 19, 2024:
- That the Board approve entering into an agreement to lease with the County of Simcoe for the purposes of co-locating a Barrie Adult and Continuing Education and Simcoe Shores Secondary School Campus in the City of Barrie, as set out in Report No. CL-BF-D-1, Continuing Education and Simcoe Shores Secondary School – Lease Opportunities, dated June 5, 2024.
- That the Board approve entering into an agreement to lease with the County of Simcoe for the purposes of co-locating an Orillia – Adult and Continuing Education and Simcoe Shores Secondary School Campus in the City of Orillia, as set out in Report No. CL-BF-D-1, Continuing Education and Simcoe Shores Secondary School – Lease Opportunities, dated June 5, 2024.
- That the Board approve the school administrator appointments as set out in Report No. CL-HR-D-1 School Administrator Appointments, dated June 12, 2024.
Elementary Vice-principal appointments effective August 26, 2024
Adrianne Kershaw-Gies from External to Mountain View ES
Anneke McCabe from External to Pine River ES
Anthony Naccarato from Student Success (teacher) to Tottenham PS
Elementary Principal appointment effective August 26, 2024
Alexandra Milak from Cundles Heights PS (VP) to Oakley Park PS (Acting)
Secondary Vice-principal appointment effective Auguste 26, 2024
Benjamin McCabe from External to Georgian Bay DSS
Trustees received the following transfers:
Elementary Vice-principal transfers effective August 26, 2024
Heather Booth from Tottenham PS to Alcona Glen ES
Kirsten Bowman from Mountain View ES to Assikinack PS/Warnica PS
Tracy Coates from Alcona Glen ES to Cookstown PS
Sue Collingbourne from Trillium Woods ES to Forest Hill PS
Richard Alex Cranston from Cookstown PS to Cundles Heights PS
James Dewey from Minesing Central PS to Trillium Woods ES
Nadene Fischer from Harvest Hills PS to New Wasaga Beach PS
Natalie Foster from Diversity, Equity & Inclusion to Lake Simcoe PS
Amanda Harrison from Clearview Meadows ES to Alcona Glen ES
Christine Jackson from Lake Simcoe PS to Couchiching Heights PS
Cynthia Michaud from Leave to Coldwater PS/Moonstone ES
Mary Catherine Murphy from Warnica ES to Harvest Hills PS
Michelle Turner from Couchiching Heights PS to Orchard Park PS
Elementary Principal transfer effective August 26, 2024
Ainslee Carpenter from Oakley Park PS to Mundy’s Bay PS
- That the Board ratify the collective agreement reached with the Simcoe County Elementary Teachers’ Federation (SCEOT), for the term of Sept. 1, 2022, to Aug. 31, 2026, as set out in Report No. CL-B-2-a, Board Ratification of the Simcoe County Elementary Occasional Teachers’ Federation (SCEOT) and Its Local Agreement, dated June 19, 2024.
- That the Board approve the school administrator appointment as set out in Report No. CL-B-2-b School Administrator Appointment, dated June 19, 2024.
Secondary Vice-principal appointment effective August 26, 2024
Michael Singh from External to Banting MHS
- That the Board accept with best wishes and regret the notice of resignation for retirement purposes from John Dance, Director of Education, effective Dec. 31, 2024.
Consent Agenda
All recommended actions outlined in the Board Meeting Reports were approved by the SCDSB Board of Trustees during public session of the regular meeting of the Board.
D-2-a Notice of Motion from the May 22, 2024 Board meeting Re: Composing a letter to towns in our board area to consider traffic calming measures
The Board approved the following motion:
- That the Board direct the Chair to write a letter to all municipalities in Simcoe County to consider an implementation of traffic calming measures near schools, and further, that the letter extend an invitation to work collaboratively with the school board regarding congestion and traffic issues at drop off and pick up.
D-3-a Time Sensitive Motion from the June 12, 2024 Program Standing Committee meeting Re: Cumulative Task Days and Feedback/Recovery/Improvement Days
The Board defeated the following motion:
- Whereas, Cumulative Task days and Feedback /Recovery /Improvement Days have been operationalized at all SCDSB (Simcoe County District School Board) Secondary Schools.
That the SCDSB survey all secondary students, staff, parents/guardians, and other relevant stakeholders regarding cumulative task days, and feedback/recovery/improvement days.
Data and information, collected from these surveys shall include type(s) of final evaluations (i.e., an examination, a performance, an essay, and/or other method of evaluation suitable to the course content) used in various courses, length/duration, attendance, participation, feedback/recovery/improvement strategies used, outcomes, etc. The survey will also allow for ideas, feedback, and suggestions to be shared via a thought exchange.
Starting with semester two of the 2023-2024 school year, and for every following semester/school year, the SCDSB will conduct these survey(s) promptly so that detailed reports are presented to trustees at the February Board meeting following semester one, and at the September Board meeting following semester two.
D-4-a Program
The Board approved the following motions:
- That the Board approve revisions to Policy 4195 – Voluntary, Confidential Self-Identification for First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Students, as set out in APPENDIX C of Report No. PRO-D-1, Revisions to Policy 4195 – Voluntary, Confidential Self-Identification for First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Students, dated June 12, 2024.
- That the Board approve that Policy 4115 – French as a Second Language: Extended French be rescinded as of June 27, 2024, as set out in Report No. PRO-D-2, Review of Policy 4115 – French as a Second Language: Extended French, dated June 12, 2024.
- That the Board approve that a letter be written by the SCDSB Chairperson to the Minister of Education for Ontario, outlining the requirements of the Student Nutrition Programs within our schools. The letter shall focus on the current situation involving school nutrition programs and request that the Ministry consider a program that will match funds to be disbursed through the new federal nutrition program and the existing programs run through the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. The letter shall be copied to all local MPP’s.
- That the Board approve that a letter be written by the SCDSB Chairperson to the County of Simcoe’s Committee of the Whole, outlining the need for additional funds for student nutrition within SCDSB schools. We ask that the County consider a long-term financial commitment to supporting our students’ nutrition needs.
D-5-a Safe Schools Committee
The Board approved the following motion:
- That the Board approve the Terms of Reference with the agreed upon changes discussed at the June 19, 2024 Board meeting for the Safe Schools Committee as set out in Report No. D-5-a – Safe Schools Committee, dated June 19, 2024.
D-5-b Appointment of Student Trustee Mentor
The Board approved the following motion:
- That the Board appoint Trustee Grummett to serve as the student trustee mentor from August 1, 2024 to July 31, 2025, as set out in Report No. D-5-b, Appointment of Student Trustee Mentor, dated June 19, 2024.
Reports/Updates from Staff
John Dance, Director of Education, thanked and congratulated Superintendent of Student Achievement (K-6) and Special Education, Chris Samis and Superintendent of Education, Charlene Scime on their retirement. Superintendent Samis and Superintendent Scime shared final remarks and comments.
Director Dance shared additional staffing updates and extended gratitude to Executive Assistant Lisa Sander who is transitioning to a position with Business Services and welcomed Executive Assistant Tina Bazuk to the position of Executive Assistant to the Director of Education. Director Dance also shared that Executive Assistant Lori Wright has accepted the position of Executive Assistant supporting the Superintendent of Special Education and welcomed Lisa McAlendin as the incoming Executive Assistant supporting Area F.
Director Dance provided an overview of the positive events and activities that have taken place throughout the last month of the school year. Director Dance referenced the Ophea Healthy Schools conference held in conjunction with the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, the Pride parade in Barrie and upcoming parades in Orillia and Collingwood, multiple visits from external groups, community partners and MPPs to the Outdoor Education facility, the retirement celebration, OYAP celebration, Juneteenth event at Bear Creek, and the OPC retirement celebration.
SCDSB Celebrates
The SCDSB would like to highlight initiatives that are taking place in our schools that link directly to the SCDSB Strategic Priorities. View this month’s video feature.
Visit for information about future Board and Committee meetings.
Sarah Kekewich, Manager of Communications
705-734-6363 x11328 or [email protected]