SCDSB Update 3 – Oct. 25, 2023
This update provides highlights of the SCDSB Board Meeting held Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2023. For agendas, reports, and items addressed at the meeting visit the Board and Committee Meetings page of the SCDSB Website. For a video recording of the Board Meeting visit the SCDSB YouTube channel.
Report from Student Trustees
Student Trustee Maryam provided an update on behalf of the student trustees. Student Trustee Maryam shared that the student trustees attended the OSTA-AECO Fall General Meeting where they had the opportunity to meet Minister Lecce and Cathy Abraham, president of the Ontario Public School Boards’ Association, and discuss the importance of student voice at the Board table. Student Trustee Maryam reported that they held their second Student Senate meeting virtually and that the meeting was well attended by students from across the SCDSB.
- Parents Against Racism Simcoe County Re: Annual Report (PARSC) 2022-2023
Chairperson Lloyd accepted the delegation for information.
Consent Agenda
All recommended actions outlined in the Board Meeting Reports were approved by the SCDSB Board of Trustees during public session of the regular meeting of the Board.
Notice of Motion from the Sept. 27, 2023 Board Meeting
The Board approved the following motion:
- That the Board approve that staff create an active transportation section to be inserted in Policy 2410 – Transportation of Students with a general aim to support and encourage students, their families and staff to travel safely to school through the use of modes of active transportation. And further in the creation of the section that the staff consult with community partners, students and families in the creation of the policy section, and finally that the draft updated policy be brought to the appropriate committee for trustee input and discussion prior to the summer recess.
Special Education Advisory Committee Member Appointments
The Board approved the following motions:
- That the Board appoint to the SCDSB SEAC, effective Nov. 1, 2023, Brianne Whiteside as the SEAC member representing Simcoe Muskoka Family Connexions, as set out in Report No. D-6-a, Special Education Advisory Committee Member Appointments, dated Oct. 25, 2023.
- That the Board appoint to the SCDSB SEAC, effective Nov. 1, 2023, Eran Devine as the SEAC member and Shawna Ballick as the SEAC alternate member representing CADDAC, as set out in Report No. D-6-a, Special Education Advisory Committee Member Appointments, dated Oct. 25, 2023.
Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium Annual General Meeting (AGM) Designated Voting Member and Alternate Voting Member
The Board approved the following motions:
- That the Board appoint Trustee Lynn Strachan to serve as the designated voting member for the Nov. 23, SCSTC AGM, as set out in APPENDIX A of Report No. D-6-b, Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium Annual General Meeting (AGM) Designated Voting Member and Alternate Voting Member, dated Oct. 25, 2023.
- That the Board appoint Trustee Jodi Lloyd to serve as the designated alternate voting member for the Nov. 23, SCSTC AGM, as set out in APPENDIX A of Report No. D-6-b, Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium Annual General Meeting (AGM) Designated Voting Member and Alternate Voting Member, dated Oct. 25, 2023.
Reports/Updates from Staff
John Dance, Director of Education, highlighted the developments at the SCDSB Education Centre as it transforms to an Outdoor Education Centre with programming for students and team building activities for staff. Director Dance commented on the crisis in the Middle East, and specifically the conflicts in Israel and Gaza. Director Dance noted that the SCDSB Human Rights and Equity Office is preparing a Responsive Dialogue session for parents/guardians as well as a session on dealing with trauma for students that will be communicated to SCDSB families in the coming weeks.
SCDSB Celebrates
The SCDSB would like to highlight initiatives that are taking place in our schools that link directly to the SCDSB Strategic Priorities. View this month’s video feature.
Visit for information about future Board and Committee meetings.
Sarah Kekewich, Manager of Communications
705-734-6363 x11328 or [email protected]