January 2025
Published on Jan 22, 2025 15:14

Hello future Kindergarten families!
Kindergarten registration for September 2025 is now open! Kindergarten is the beginning of a wonderful journey of learning, and we want your child to begin their journey in a Simcoe County District School Board school! To register online or for more information, visit: www.scdsb.on.ca/ kindergarten.
In Kindergarten, students play in and explore the outdoors daily. Enjoying the outdoors in a wide variety of weather teaches children to appreciate being outside. When you help your child dress for the outdoors, consider the weather so they will be comfortable outside. Helping your child learn how to put on and take off their outdoor clothes (jackets, snow pants, boots, hats, mittens) can help them develop their confidence in their self-help skills. Outdoor explorations can be a lot of fun and help build your child’s gross motor development, observation, and oral language skills. Check out these two free winter activities that can make your next outdoor adventure so much fun! Happy learning!
Nature Detectives - Different Kinds of Snow
Winter Scavenger Hunt
Looking for opportunities to support your child’s and your transition to Kindergarten? Check out Simcoe County EarlyON Child and Family Centres in person and virtual “Getting Ready For Kindergarten” programs. To register for a program in your area visit: www.earlyonsimcoenorth.ca/GRFK
SmartStart Hubs are a no cost, one-stop point of entry to help families in Simcoe County find the help their child or youth may require. They serve kids and youth from birth until their 19 th birthday (or until completion of high school).
There is no cost for SmartStart Hubs services.
The main areas of development that SmartStart Hubs focuses on include:
● A child’s ability to move around
● A child’s ability to perform daily activities such as feeding/eating
● A child’s ability to understand other people or tell people what
they want
● A child’s ability to get along with others or the way their behaviour
impacts their ability to participate in activities
Visit Children's Treatment Network - SmartStart Hub or call 1-866-377-0286 for more information!
The Kindergarten Team