Kindergarten Connections - February 2024
Published on Feb 22, 2024 16:09

Hello Kindergarten families!
Thinking about child care programs early will help families navigate this process. The Simcoe County District School Board works in partnership with established, non-profit community child care operators to provide a variety of licensed child care programs in our schools. Here is a short video that highlights what this might look like in your community. Contact your school's before and after school care provider to find out registration timelines and procedures.
Winter in Simcoe County is a beautiful time of the year to get outside with children. Outdoor play in any season is important because it allows children to be physically active, move their bodies in different ways, and learn about the environment. Consider opportunities to visit local and/or provincial parks to build snow structures with your child. To check out what is available in your community, visit the County of Simcoe Winter Wonderland page.
Looking for FREE FUN for your child(ren) during these colder days? Have you had an opportunity to visit an EarlyON centre in your community? EarlyON Child and Family programs provide access to play- and inquiry-based learning, information on child development, parent/guardian education, early learning activities, referrals to community resources, nutrition information, and pre- and post-natal resources. Click here to find an EarlyON location near you.
The Kindergarten Team