This reporting tool is not monitored 24 hours per day - if you need immediate assistance or counseling please contact Kids Help Phone or call 911.
At the SCDSB, one of our system goals is to create inclusive, equitable and safe learning and working environments. We recognize that student well-being is critical to student success.
Students, parents/guardians, or community members who witness a student engaged in bullying, drug use, vandalism, or other inappropriate behavior, can et us know using the form below. Criminal activities may be reported to Crime Stoppers.
Please note: this tool is not for staff use. SCDSB staff should follow internal procedures for reporting health and safety incidents, including workplace violence and harassment, which can be found on the StaffWeb. Please speak with your administrator/supervisor and refer to APM 2012 Reporting and Investigating Health and Safety Incidents and APM A4075 Dispute Resolution Procedure Arising from Workplace Harassment or Objectionable Behaviour if you have further questions.
You are encouraged to discuss incidents of bullying by other students with your family and a trusted member of staff at the school. Completing a report online is not a substitute for having a discussion with your teacher or principal.
Through the SCDSB's Character Education program, character attributes are addressed, taught, and modelled in all schools. Ask your school how you can recognize a display of good character.
Please read the terms and conditions carefully before submitting a report.