Board Administration

The SCDSB senior administrative and staff teams support schools and student achievement by fulfilling a wide range of responsibilities to operate a large public education system. These teams provide specialized support in the areas listed below.

For individual school contact information, use our School Search tool. For Education Centre contact information, visit our Contact Us page. View a list of SCDSB Principals and Vice-Principals.

Click the department names below to see contact information. For the entire listing, the phone number is 705-734-6363, followed by the extension.

Director's Office

Director of Education, Dawn Stephens - ext. 11223

Executive Assistant - Director of Education - ext. 11223
Executive Assistant - Board of Trustees - ext. 11231

Business Services

Superintendent of Business and Facility Services, Corry Van Nispen - ext. 11254

Executive Assistant - ext. 11310


Controller - ext. 11259

Assistant Manager of Accounting & Purchasing - ext. 11337

Manager of Budget & Financial Reporting - ext. 11843

Coordinator of Accounting - School Funds - ext. 11845

Corporate Risk Officer - Health & Safety - 249-388-3067

Corporate Risk Officer - Health & Safety - 249-288-2779

Corporate Risk Officer - Operational Hazards and Insurance - 249-388-3595


Manager of Communications and Strategic Priorities, Sarah Kekewich - ext. 11328
Assistant Manager of Communications, Jamie Campbell - ext. 11241
Senior Communications Officer, Melanie Slade Morrison - ext. 11739
Senior Communications Officer, Alexis Keller - ext. 11588
Communications Officer, Curtis Dafoe - ext. 11463
Communications Officer, Abbigale McMeekin - ext. 11364

Facility Services

Maintenance Emergencies - (249) 388-3086, (249) 388-3089 
Custodial Emergencies - (249) 388-3091

Superintendent of Business and Facility Services, Corry Van Nispen - ext. 11254
Executive Assistant - ext. 11310

Manager of Design and Construction - ext. 11309
Manager of Maintenance and Environmental Services - ext. 11266
Coordinator - Environment and Sustainability - ext. 11514
Manager of Operations - ext. 11210
Manager of Planning, Enrolment and Community Use - ext. 11513
Assistant Manager of Admissions and Enrolment - ext. 11316

Human Resources

General inquiries may be emailed to [email protected]
Apply to Education (ATE) inquiries - 1-877-900-5627

Superintendent of Human Resource Services, Iain McMeekin - ext. 11510
Executive Assistant - ext. 11418

Senior Manager of Compensation and Benefits - ext. 11362
Senior Manager of Human Resource Services - ext. 11356

HR Services Officers
DECE and Supply Recruitment - 249-388-3052
OPSEU and OSSTF Instructors - 249-388-3051
AESP, APSSP, and CUPE - 249-388-3050
ETFO Permanent and ETFO Occasional - 249-388-3060
OSSTF Permanent and OSSTF Occasional - 249-388-3137

HR Services Assistants
All Occasional/LTO Teaching Staff (A - K) - (249) 388-3053
All Occasional/LTO Teaching Staff (L - Z) - (249) 388-3056
All Permanent Staff – (249) 388-3055 or (249) 388-3065
Easy Connect (ATE) - (249) 388-3102, (249) 388-3099

Occasional Recruitment - Secondary Occasional Teacher, Supply Educational Assistant, Supply DECE - (249) 388-3102 
Occasional Recruitment - Elementary Occasional Teacher, Supply Secretary, Emergency/Uncertified Staff - (249) 388-3059
Occasional Recruitment - Casual Custodian - (249) 388-3099
Recruitment general inquiries - [email protected]

HR Services Assistants - Compensation, Health & Wellness, Benefits
Payroll Coordinator (Permanent) - (249) 388-3040
Payroll Coordinator (Occasional) - (249) 388-3041
Teaching Pay – ext. 11303
Non-Teaching Pay – (249) 388-3042
Occasional/Supply Pay, Non-Teaching Supply - (249) 388-3043
Occasional/Supply Pay, Occasional Teaching - (249) 388-3044
HR Services Coordinators, Health & Wellness - (249) 388-3046, (249) 388-3103
HR Services Coordinators, Attendance Support - (249) 388-3048, (249) 388-3045
HR Services Assistant, Health & Wellness - (249) 388-3047

Information Technology

Superintendent of Information Technology and School Services, Susan Sidlofsky - ext.11397
Executive Assistant - ext. 11511

Manager of Helpdesk Services - 249-388-2979

Manager of Software Development - 249-388-3131
Manager of Technology - 249-388-3111

Human Rights and Equity Office

Human Rights and Equity Manager, Tahmena Bokhari - ext. 11489

Special Education

Superintendent of Special Education, Greg Jacobs - ext. 11244
Executive Assistant - ext. 11412

Student Achievement

Superintendent of Student Achievement, Dean Maltby - ext. 11208
Assistant Superintendent of Education (K-12), Robin Dashnay - ext. 11385

Executive Assistant - ext. 11228

Associate Director/Superintendent of Student Achievement

Associate Director/Superintendent Student Achievement, Dean Maltby - ext. 11208
Executive Assistant - ext. 11228

Superintendents of Education

Area A
Peter McLean, Superintendent of Education

Executive Assistant - ext. 11711

Area B
Scott Young, Superintendent of Education
Executive Assistant - ext. 11482

Area C
Lisa Coffey, Superintendent of Education
Executive Assistant - ext. 11271 

Area D
Kristen Fennell, Superintendent of Education
Executive Assistant - ext. 11452

Area E
Matthew Webbe, Superintendent of Education
Executive Assistant - ext. 11712

Area F 
Jennifer Newby, Superintendent of Education
Executive Assistant - ext. 11370

Area G
John Playford, Superintendent of Education
Executive Assistant - ext. 11511

System Principals

Principal of Adult and Continuing Education - ext.45210
Principal of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion - ext. 11248
Principal of First Nation, Métis and Inuit Education - ext. 11475

Principal of Leadership - ext. 11453
Principal of School Effectiveness and Improving Student Performance in Math - ext. 11338
Principals of Special Education - ext. 11488, 11447

Principal of Student Achievement (K-6) - ext. 11264
Principal of Student Achievement (7-12) - ext. 11273

Principal of Well-being/Outdoor Education - ext. 11417

Well-being and Mental Health

Principal of Well-being/Outdoor Education - ext. 11417

Manager of Social Work Services - ext. 11883
Mental Health Leader - ext. 11865