We've compiled the list below based on questions that people often ask us. If you have a question that you don't see on this list please email [email protected] to submit it.
How do I register my child for school?

Parents/guardians looking to register your child for the first time at a SCDSB school can complete the student registration form online. All registration information is found in our 'Registration' section under 'Elementary' or 'Secondary' > 'Planning for School'.

For information on registering your child for Kindergarten, please visit our 'Kindergarten' page under 'Elementary' > 'Planning for School'.

What school will my child attend?

Your child’s home school is based on your residential address. To find out which school your child will attend based on your address, click here.

Where can I find the attendance area for my school?

The County of Simcoe website features an interactive map showing all school attendance boundaries. In the left menu click the + sign to expand the Education and Community option, then select 'Public Elementary School Attendance Boundary' or 'Public Secondary School Attendance Boundary'.

Please note: these maps may not be completely up-to-date. Contact our Planning and Enrolment department at 705-734-6363 ext. 11291, or 905-729-3600 ext. 11291 for any questions.

Can I make a request for my child to attend a school outside of our attendance area?

For information on out-of-attendance area requests, please read APM7000 - School Attendance Areas, and our notice to students and families regarding out-of-attendance area requests.

What school supplies do I need to provide for the new school year?

There is no standard list of school supplies, as each class is different. Please contact your school directly for the list of supplies you'll need to provide.

Please note: school staff will be in the office the last week of August.

Where can I find the School Year Calendar?

The School Year Calendar can be found on our 'School Calendar' page under 'Elementary' or 'Secondary' > 'Planning for School'. The calendar shows the first and last day of school, holidays, March break, secondary evaluation days and professional activity (PA) days. There is also a separate calendar that show the 5-day cycle of instruction for elementary schools.

I have a complaint/concern/issue relating to my child's school. Whom should I contact?

At the SCDSB, we believe that open communication strengthens important relationships between families, schools and communities. Our document, 'How to Communicate Appreciation or Concern', outlines our process to help address and resolve your concerns as quickly and effectively as possible.

I would like to consider home schooling my child. What information is available?

Parents/guardians who decide to provide home schooling for their child(ren) should notify the SCDSB of their intent to do so. Learn more.

How do I change my direction of school support to the English Public School System?
​Tax support affects the governance of our board, including the number and distribution of school board trustees.

Parents or ratepayers can specifically request a change in the direction of their school support by downloading and completing the Application for Direction of School Support form.

Applications can then be sent to the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC).

MPAC will update their records and the change will become effective, the following year on your Notice of Property Assessment.

For more information, visit MPAC's website: https://www.mpac.ca/PropertyTypes/PropertyAssessmentProcedures/AssessmentProceduresChangeSchoolSupportDesignation
Does the SCDSB offer any French programs?
Yes, the SCDSB offers French Immersion, beginning in Grade 1, and Extended French, beginning in Grade 5, at 10 designated schools throughout Simcoe County. For more information, visit our 'French as a Second Language' page under 'Elementary' or 'Secondary'.​
How do I know if my child is eligible for transportation?
Each school has a board-approved designated walk zone. For more information, visit the Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium's website, view Policy 2410 – Transportation of Students, or ask your school.​
Who will provide transportation for my child if my child is eligible?
Transportation at the SCDSB is provided by the Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium (SCSTC). They can be reached at (705) 733-8965. For more information, please visit the SCSTC's website.​
Can I request a change in my bus stop?
Any request for a change to a stop location or for the addition of a bus stop must be submitted through your school. The SCSTC's Frequently Asked Questions page provides more information on the process. Please note, drivers are NOT authorized to change routes, add stops or reactivate any previously removed stops.​
Who decides if school buses are cancelled?
Bus cancellations will be posted on the Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium's website, www.simcoecountyschoolbus.ca, between 6 - 6:30 a.m. Cancellations will also be announced on local radio stations and on the SCSTC's Twitter Account (@SCSTC_SchoolBus).
Are students marked absent if they don't go to school on bus cancellation days?
​No. Students who can't make it to school on bus cancellation days are marked 'G' (General Absence day). On a General Absence day, the school acknowledges that the student is away but it doesn't count on their attendance record.
Will my school still run the safe arrival program on bus cancellations days?
Some of our schools have moved to an automated safe arrival system. The first parent/guardian listed in the student file will receive an automated call on days when buses are cancelled if their child isn't at school. The recording will tell you that you do not need to call the school back unless your child should be at school. Check with your school for more information.
How do I find and apply for jobs with the SCDSB?
Current openings are posted on Apply to Education (ATE), and on our Careers page. Applications for most jobs are only accepted through ATE. Through ATE, you can also sign up for email alerts that notify you when new positions have been posted.​
Do you have to be on the supply list (occasional teacher) in order to be considered for a permanent teaching position or for an LTO position?
For both elementary and secondary, you must be on the supply list to be considered for all Long Term Occasional (LTO) and Contract positions.

In addition to being on the supply list, regulation 274 states that you must also be on the LTO roster in order to be eligible for LTO positions. To be eligible to apply for the LTO roster you must be on the supply list a minimum of 10 months and worked the equivalent of 20 full supply days with the Board.

In order to be eligible for contract positions you must have successfully completed an LTO of 4 consecutive months or longer (do not have an unsatisfactory evaluation) and be qualified for the position. In the event there are no applicants to an LTO or contract position from the LTO roster, first consideration would be given to qualified applicants from the supply list.
I've been working for a different school board. Will my previous experience be reflected in the SCDSB pay grid, or would my pay level be based upon 0 years of experience?
LTO and Contract work completed in another board would be reflected in your pay level.​
How often does the supply list open up? Are there general times of the year that occasional teaching positions become available?
The supply list opens when there are openings on the list, which could happen at any time of the year.​
How can I be notified when there are new career opportunities?
You can sign up for email alerts through www.applytoeducation.com.
Are SCDSB facilities available for community use?
Yes! The SCDSB encourages the community’s participation in the use of its facilities and resources. SCDSB gyms, fields, auditoriums and classrooms are available for your sports events, concerts, recitals and more.

Our 'Community Use of Schools' page found under the 'Community' tab has valuable information on what facilities are available, the three easy steps to apply and an online application form.​
When buses are cancelled due to inclement weather are permits cancelled?
No, permits are not automatically cancelled when buses are cancelled. Permits will only be cancelled if the schools are closed or the afternoon custodial shift is cancelled. The Permit Office will contact any clients affected in these circumstances and will post cancellation notices on the board’s website. Please note that decisions to cancel afternoon custodial shifts are not made until after 12 p.m.
Can I advertise in schools or school newsletters?
Yes, if your request is approved. Please fill out the form on our website or email [email protected] with your request and the schools you would like to advertise in, including a copy of your publication. Requests should be submitted at least one month in advance of the event/program you are promoting. Superintendents will approve or deny requests to advertise in schools which are received centrally. Approvals will be given for the current school year only. See APM 7250 for more information.
When is it too cold to go out for recess?

School principals will use their discretion when sending students outside in cold weather, but the following summarizes recommendations from the Canadian Pediatric Society regarding minimum temperatures for outdoor play. These recommendations are supported by the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit.

  • Consider keeping children indoors if the temperature falls below -25°C, regardless of the wind chill factor.
  • Stay indoors regardless of the temperature, if the wind chill factor is reported as -28°C or greater.

Parents and principals can access additional information and other helpful winter safety tips through the Health Unit’s website at: http://www.simcoemuskokahealth.org/Topics/Environment/weather/extremecold/winteroutdoorsafety.aspx​.

What measures are taken in the warm weather to protect students from extreme heat?

​The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU) reports that children are at greater risk under conditions of extreme heat due to a higher metabolic rate, a reduced capacity to sweat and their dependence on others to ensure they drink plenty of fluids. The following recommendations for outdoor play in conditions of extreme heat align with those identified by the SMDHU:

  • Students should drink plenty of fluids (non-caffeinated), wear hats, sunglasses and sunscreen, and wear loose-fitting, light-coloured and lightweight clothing
  • Classrooms will close blinds/curtains to block heat and use portable or fixed fans to increase air circulation
  • Principals may shorten outdoor breaks and provide opportunities for students to come indoors to cool down Teachers may provide frequent water, drink and washroom breaks, reduce and/or reschedule physical activities such as team practices, sporting events and routine gym classes Teachers may relocate classes/activities to cool places such as air-conditioned areas of the school, the ground floor rooms or shady areas on the school grounds
  • Teachers may consider field trips to shady parks, public libraries or air-conditioned community facilities

For more information regarding extreme heat, visit http://www.simcoemuskokahealth.org/Topics/Environment/weather/extremeheat/factsheet.aspx.

What areas of my school will be cleared of snow?
​Parking lots, bus loops, driveways, designated fire routes and paved play areas surrounding the school building are normally plowed after accumulations of 5 cm (2") of snowfall.
When can schools expect salting and/or sanding services?
​Contractors will salt and/or sand outdoor areas when there has been freezing rain or conditions that pose a slip and fall risk to users of the school facilities.