Kindergarten Orientation

Kindergarten orientation sessions will be held throughout the SCDSB in the spring of 2025. These sessions provide families with the opportunity to engage with their school community as their children prepare to enter school. 

They will also have the opportunity to meet educators, early years and child care partners and receive an orientation of their school.

Orientation dates will be available on this page come the new year. Prior to your session, your school will provide you with further information.

Getting ready for Kindergarten


The SCDSB has developed a video made especially for students who are new to Kindergarten. We encourage you to watch this video with your child and check out the tips to get ready for Kindergarten, available below. They include discussion prompts and ideas to help you prepare your little one for the big day.

Tips to get ready for Kindergarten

My feelings about school

Talk to your child about their feelings about school, friends, teachers, and new activities. Ask your child:

  • How do you feel about Kindergarten?
  • What do you think you might get to do at school?
  • What are you most excited about?
  • What makes you feel nervous?

Listen carefully to your child’s responses. If your child is nervous about something, they will let you know: maybe not in words, though. Watch their
expressions, notice the topics they bring up repeatedly and listen for their tone of voice. Be encouraging, and if necessary, reassuring.

Eating and drinking
  • Together, make a list of foods that your child likes to eat.
  • Put snacks into reusable containers to practice opening and closing.
My belongings
  • Gather an extra set of clothing. Practice changing into the new clothes and putting the other clothes into a plastic bag.
  • Practice changing shoes.
  • Practice zipping zippers.
  • Make sure your child can recognize important items of clothing and do their shoes up on their own.
  • Don't forget to label your belongings.
Self-care and routines

Make a list of the things that you do every morning to get ready. For example:

  • wake up
  • get dressed
  • eat breakfast
  • brush teeth
  • feed the dog

Knowing what to expect each day and sticking to a routine will help to make busy mornings go more smoothly once the school year begins.

Home time

What will happen at the end of the school day? Talk about that plan with your child. 

Will they go to childcare each day? Take the bus? Be picked up by you or someone else? If possible, practice this routine together several times before school begins.

Getting ready for the big day
  • Visit the school building together. Take a walk around the schoolyard. Each time you visit the school, you will be able to build excitement and reassurance with your child.
  • Share your favourite memories of school with your child; hearing about your experiences will be reassuring.
  • Create a special good-bye handshake, kiss or hug with your child. 
  • Think about an action that your child can do when you are not around to remind them that you are always close by and thinking about them!