Students should talk to their parent/guardian, a school staff member, or trusted friend about any incident of bullying, harassment or violence by other students. In the case of severe violence or threat of harm, students or their parents should contact the local police immediately for help.
Complete reports will be sent to the principal of the school. Information may be shared with additional people as needed.
Complete and specific details of any incident are always needed in order for action to be taken by school staff. In order for the school to take action on reported incidents, the principal and vice principal may need to investigate by speaking with witnesses to verify the information provided. This may include speaking with the individual making the report. Where information is verified, action taken will depend on the severity of the incident. A report submitted without enough information or a contact name will be kept on file for a period of time, but no action can be taken.
All school staff have a responsibility to notify Simcoe Muskoka Family Connexions where child abuse is suspected in relation to students under the age of 16. Adults in the school and community have the obligation to report events directly to the principal.
The school administrator has the right to search school property, such as lockers and desks, without notice or permission of any person. Police may from time-to-time be invited onto school premises to conduct a search. These searches may be conducted without notice or permission of any member of the school community other than the school principal.
It is unlawful to make accusations that are untrue. Students making false or aggravating statements will be subject to discipline. Where it is determined that an individual has knowingly made false accusations, or ignored the fact that the allegations could be false, information may also be passed along to police for investigation. The description of the event may be shared with the accused without sharing who made the report.
Personal information submitted in reports is collected in accordance with the Education Act, and will be used strictly for the purpose of investigating reported incidents and achieving a resolution for concerns raised. If you have questions, please contact the principal or superintendent of your school.
Reports will be maintained by the principal of the school and confidentially stored for a minimum of 12 months from last use. Reports will not be stored in an Ontario Student Record (OSR).