Board and Committee Meetings

All Board, Business and Facilities, Human Resources, and Program committee meetings are held at the SCDSB Education Centre and the public is welcome to attend. These meetings are also live-streamed via YouTube, and posted on our SCDSB YouTube channel

Please refer to the calendar below for upcoming committee meeting dates, agendas, and reports. 

Statement of Respect

Effective April 26, 2023, as approved by the Board of Trustees, the following statement will be read at the beginning of all Board and Standing Committee Meetings: 

The SCDSB is committed to creating a culture of belonging, engagement, and success for all through deliberate actions and an intentional focus in the area of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. The SCDSB Board of Trustees will conduct meetings in an inclusive, respectful manner that upholds the principles of respect for human rights and allows all members, staff, and guests to participate fully regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, age, ability, and gender.

Committee descriptions

Accessibility Advisory Committee

The Accessibility Advisory Committee advises on the identification, removal, and prevention of barriers. The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) requires each school board to prepare an accessibility plan; to consult with people with disabilities in the preparation of this plan; and, to make the plan public.

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee oversees the financial management of the board and its financial reporting processes, identifies and monitors the management of the principal risks that could impact the financial reporting of the board, reviews and makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding the annual audited financial statements, the audit process and the external auditor’s management letters, and provides an avenue of communication between the external auditors and the board. 

Business and Facilities Standing Committee

The Business and Facilities Standing Committee considers information related to matters such as budget, financial systems and reporting, transportation, construction and renewal projects, capital planning, risk management, and education development charges. Recommendations of the committee are presented to a regular meeting of the Board for consideration and approval.

Equity Advisory Committee

The Equity Advisory Committee serves in an advisory capacity in partnership with the SCDSB in reviewing, developing, implementing, and monitoring diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

First Nations Education Advisory Committee

The First Nations Education Advisory (FNEA) Committee represents the interests of the pupils of the Chippewas of Rama First Nation and Beausoleil First Nation, herein after referred to as First Nations, as per 462/97 of the Education Act. The FNEA committee provides a direct line of communication with local First Nation Community Authorities/Education Advisory Circles to ensure their input and interest is utilized in the self-development of First Nation people in educational matters.


Human Resources Standing Committee

The Human Resources Standing Committee considers matters related to staffing/personnel, collective bargaining, grievances and arbitrations, government employee or labour programs, and other matters referred to the Committee by the Chairperson of the Board or board staff. These discussions may take places in closed session. Recommendations of the committee are presented to a regular meeting of the Board for consideration and approval.

Indigenous Education Advisory Committee

The Indigenous Education Advisory Committee serves in an advisory capacity with respect to matters affecting programs and services for self-identified First Nation, Métis, and Inuit students.

Parent Involvement Committee

The Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) works collaboratively with the school board to build and maintain relationships between parents/guardians, senior administration, and trustees. The mandate of the PIC is to: support, encourage, and enhance meaningful parent/guardian engagement at the board level to improve student achievement and well-being; provide information and advice to the board on parent engagement; communicate with and support school councils; and undertake activities to help parents/guardians support their children's learning at home and at school. 

Program Standing Committee

The Program Standing Committee considers information on matters related to student programming from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Recommendations of the committee are presented to a regular meeting of the Board for consideration and approval.

Special Education Advisory Committee

The Education Act requires each board to establish a Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC). The SEAC plays a vital role in ensuring that exceptional pupils receive appropriate educational services and programs.

Sustainability Advisory Committee

The Sustainability Advisory Committee (SAC) serves in an advisory capacity in the review and implementation of SCDSB Policy 2325 – Sustainability Policy. The SAC supports the board in meeting its commitment to the principles of system-based and school-based sustainability.

Board and Committee Meetings Calendar

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