Safe Schools

The Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) recognizes that all members of the school community have the right to be safe and to feel safe in their school community. With this right comes the responsibility to contribute to a positive school climate.

The SCDSB Code of Conduct supports and enhances the Ontario Code of Conduct by setting clear standards of behaviour. It is recognized that discipline works best when viewed as a positive learning process and when integrated with effective teaching practices. Read more in Policy 4250 - Progressive Discipline and Promoting Positive Student Behaviour.  

The Code of Conduct is one of a number of initiatives designed to create and maintain inviting and supportive school environments. It sets clear standards and specifies consequences for student actions that do not comply with these standards. These standards apply on school property, on school buses and at all school-related activities.

The SCDSB Code of Conduct has been developed in accordance with the guiding principles of the Education Act, Part XIII in order to create a common philosophy and understanding upon which safe learning and working environments can be maintained for all school community members. 

Student Accident Insurance 

The SCDSB does not provide accident insurance coverage for student injuries that occur on school premises, at board-sponsored events, or during school extracurricular activities (e.g., athletics, clubs). However, accidents can and do happen. Injuries can result in substantial expenses that are not covered by the SCDSB or provincial health care. If families do not have existing or sufficient extended health or dental coverage, a variety of plans and benefits at reasonable annual prices can be found through either:


Insure my Kids

Participation in extracurricular activities (e.g., athletics, clubs, etc.) require the purchase of this insurance, or other extended health and dental coverage.


Allergies and asthma

On May 16, 2005, the Ontario Legislature passed Bill 3, which requires school boards to have policies that include:

  • training for school staff on dealing with life-threatening allergies on a regular basis
  • creating individual plans of care for students who have anaphylaxis allergy
  • having emergency procedures in place for anaphylactic pupils

Sabrina's Law took effect on January 1, 2006. This law ensures all school boards have policies or procedures in place to address anaphylaxis in schools, which includes providing instruction to staff and guidance on the administration of medication.

Ryan's Law took effect in 2015, which requires all schools boards to have an asthma policy in place to support students with asthma.

APM 1420 - Management Response and Administration of Medication to Students with Life-Threatening and Non-Life Threatening Medical Conditions

Restorative Practices for Respectful Relationships   
Restorative Practices is an approach focused on building community, strengthening relationships and repairing harm through open dialogue, problem solving and accountability. It enhances teaching and learning and creates a safe school environment.
As a symbol of community, circles are one of the most distinctive and flexible forms of restorative practices. Circles can be used to check in with students at the beginning of the day or before certain classes to help students with planning, to set ground rules for projects and activities and to deal with more serious problems in a class.

Ministry of Education Information on Safe & Accepting Schools 
Ontario Physical Education Safety Guidelines  


Bullying awareness and prevention resources

Computer icon with text 'Mental Health and Well-being in Online Environments

This resource is a guide to support families, students, and educators as they teach, learn about and discuss topics that affect students in online environments. Some of the topics covered in this resource include cyberbullying, digital citizenship, addressing online hate and available supports.