Attendance area reviews, program reviews and pupil accommodation reviews are utilized to balance enrolment within a family of schools, to ensure programming meets the needs of students and to address facility pressures.
Attendance area reviews
An attendance area is the geographic area that each school draws enrolment from. Attendance area reviews (AAR) may result in a change to attendance area boundaries. The purpose is to help balance enrolment across schools, ensure programming meets the needs of the students and/or address facility accommodation pressures.
Program reviews
The SCDSB offers programming options such as French as a Second Language (FSL) in our elementary and secondary schools. In some circumstances, these programs draw students from a larger geographical area than their assigned attendance area. The programs are reviewed on a regular basis to help to balance enrolment across the county and to minimize impacts on home school student populations.
Pupil accommodation reviews
A pupil accommodation review is used in situations with declining enrolment. They address enrolment, programming, and facility condition challenges. This involves reviewing two or more schools together to determine an accommodation solution, which may include closing school(s) and consolidating students. It’s a longer process that involves an Accommodation Review Committee (ARC) made up of parent, student and school representatives and various opportunities for community input.
The consolidation process can help increase program availability for students, and address buildings where the facility condition is not ideal or there is underutilized space. In July 2017, the Ministry of Education approved a school closure moratorium. When the moratorium is lifted, the board will be required to amend the current policy and procedures. Currently, due to the moratorium, there are no pupil accommodation reviews under consideration.