SCDSB Update 6 – Nov. 22, 2023

SCDSB Update 6 – Nov. 22, 2023
Posted on 11/23/2023

This update provides highlights of the SCDSB Board Meeting held Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2023. For agendas, reports, and items addressed at the meeting visit the Board and Committee Meetings page of the SCDSB website. For a video recording of the Board Meeting visit the SCDSB YouTube channel.

Report from Student Trustees
Student Trustee Maryam provided an update on behalf of the Student Trustees. Student Trustee Maryam shared that the third Student Senate meeting took place virtually. Student Trustee Maryam noted that the focus of the meeting was on environmentally friendly and sustainable practices that schools could adopt and the existing school practices currently in place.


  1. Parents Against Racism Simcoe County – Natasha Shakespeare and Natalie McNabb Re: Culturally Affirming Supports and Policy Additions

    Chairperson Lloyd accepted the delegation for information.

Report from the Closed Session of the Board in Committee of the Whole
The Board ratified the following recommendations taken in the Closed Session meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2023:

  1. That the Board approve the renewal of the lease agreements as set out in Report No. CL-BF-D-1, Lease Renewals – Barrie Adult and Continuing Education, Simcoe Shores Secondary School, dated Nov. 1, 2023.
  2. That the Board approve the School/System Administrator Eligibility List as set out in Report No. CL-HR-D-1, School/System Administrator Eligibility List – November 2023, dated Nov. 8, 2023.
  3. That the Board approve the School Administrator Appointments as set out in Report No.CL-HR-D-2 School Administrator Appointments, dated Nov. 8, 2023.

    Elementary Vice-principal Appointments effective Nov. 27, 2023
    Tracy Ripley from W.H. Day ES (teacher) to Ernest Cumberland ES (Acting)
    Joshua White from Regent Park PS (teacher) to Goodfellow PS (Acting)

    Secondary Vice-principal Appointments effective Nov. 27, 2023
    Shawn Gibson from Stayner CI (teacher) to Georgian Bay District SS (Acting)
    Jim Wardle from External to Barrie North CI

  4. That the Board approve the authorization of staff to enter into a purchase and sale agreement for the Orillia elementary school site, as set out in Report No. CL-B-2-a, Orillia Elementary School Site Acquisition Update, dated Nov. 22, 2023.

Consent Agenda
All recommended actions outlined in the Board Meeting Reports were approved by the SCDSB Board of Trustees during public session of the regular meeting of the Board.

Special Education Advisory Committee Member Appointments
The Board approved the following motion:

  1. That the Board appoint to the SCDSB SEAC, effective Dec. 1, 2023, Amanda Burton as the SEAC member representing DSASC, as set out in Report No. D-6-a, Special Education Advisory Committee Member Appointment, dated Nov. 22, 2023.

2023-24 Operational Plan
Visit the SCDSB website to view the 2023-24 Operational Plan and video presentation.

Reports/Updates from Staff
John Dance, Director of Education, highlighted the Grand Opening of Maple Ridge Secondary School that occurred on Nov. 21, 2023, and thanked all those involved in planning the event. Director Dance recognized the Board of Trustees, Ministry of Education, and staff for the hard work and advocacy that was required to successfully open the SCDSB’s newest secondary school.

SCDSB Celebrates
The SCDSB would like to highlight initiatives that are taking place in our schools that link directly to the SCDSB Strategic Priorities. View this month’s video feature.

Visit for information about future Board and Committee meetings.

Sarah Kekewich, Manager of Communications
705-734-6363 x11328 or [email protected]