SCDSB Update - Dec. 20, 2023

SCDSB Update 7 – Dec. 20, 2023
Posted on 12/21/2023

This update provides highlights of the SCDSB Board Meeting held Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2023. For agendas, reports, and items addressed at the meeting visit the Board and Committee Meetings page of the SCDSB Website. For a video recording of the Board Meeting visit the SCDSB YouTube channel.

Report from the Closed Session of the Board in Committee of the Whole
The Board ratified the following recommendations taken in the Closed Session meeting of the Committee of the Whole on Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2023:

  1. That the Board approve the school administrator appointments as set out in Report No.CL-HR-D-1 School Administrator Appointments, dated Dec. 13, 2023.

    Elementary Vice-principal appointments effective Jan. 8, 2024
    Jenna Sullivan from External to Portage View PS
    Victoria Zufelt from Birchview Dunes ES (teacher) to Birchview Dunes ES

    Elementary Principal appointments effective Jan. 8, 2024
    Bonnie Ha from Portage View PS to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

    Trustees received the following transfer:

    Elementary Vice-principal transfer effective Jan. 8, 2024
    Charlotte Damen from Birchview Dunes ES to Coldwater PS/Moonstone ES

  2. That the Board approve the implementation of the Executive Compensation and Senior Administrative Team Re-organization as set out in Report No. CL-HR-D-2, Executive Compensation and Senior Administrative Team Re-organization, dated December 13, 2023.

  3. That the Board approve maintaining the Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) Executive Compensation salary grid base at 5 per cent above the maximum grid level of principals in the SCDSB.

Consent Agenda
All recommended actions outlined in the Board Meeting Reports were approved by the SCDSB Board of Trustees during public session of the regular meeting of the Board.

D-6-a Special Education Advisory Committee Member Appointment
The Board approved the following motion:

  1. That the Board appoint to the SCDSB SEAC, effective Jan. 1, 2024, Annette Cole as the SEAC member representing Mackenzie Health, as set out in Report No. D-6-a, Special Education Advisory Committee Member Appointment, dated Dec. 20, 2023.

D-6-b Trustee Committee Assignments 2024
The Board approved the following motion:

  1. That the Board ratify the recommendations of the Selection Committee, as set out in APPENDIX A of Report No. D-6-b, Trustee Committee Assignments for 2024, dated Dec. 20, 2023.

D-8-a Violent Incidents: 2022-23
Scott Young, Superintendent of Education, provided a report on violent incidents for the 2022-23 school year.

D-8-b Report of Trustee Attendance January 2023 - December 2023
John Dance, Director of Education provided a report on trustee attendance from January 2023 - December 2023.

E-3 Notices of Motion for Next Meeting
That the Board approve the following revisions/additions to the Board By-laws:

ARTICLE II: Meetings of Board of Trustees

Inaugural Meeting (In Election Year) (Page 5, No. 3)

That item No. 3 be amended to include:
National Anthem as item 3.3 and that the items following be renumbered.

ARTICLE II: Meetings of Board of Trustees

Order of Business for Regular Board Meetings (Page 7, Item 2 A.)

That item No. 2 be amended to include:
National Anthem as item A. (2) and that the items following be renumbered.

ARTICLE II: Meetings of Board of Trustees

Special Board Meetings (Page 8, No. 4 A.)

That item No. 4 A. be amended to include:
National Anthem as item A.2 and that the items following be renumbered.

ARTICLE V: Standing Committees of the Board

(Page 12, No. 2)

That item No. 2 be amended to include:
National Anthem as item 2.2 and that the items following be renumbered.

Article II: Meetings of Board of Trustees

Inaugural Meeting (In Election Year) (Pg. 5 No. 1)

That 7 p.m. be struck and that the wording be amended to read as:

The Inaugural meeting of a newly elected Board will be held on November 15 if it is a Monday or on the first Monday following November 15.

Article II: Meetings of Board of Trustees

First Meeting (In Non-Election Year) (Pg. 6 No. 1)

That 7 p.m. be struck and that the wording be amended to read as:

On November 15 if it is a Monday, or on the first Monday following November 15, of each non-election year, the Board will meet to elect a member to the offices of Board Chairperson, Board Vice-chairperson and the third member on the Selection Committee.


Election of Board Chairperson, Board Vice-chairperson, Committee Chairperson and Committee Vice-chairperson, third member of the Selection Committee and OPSBA Director/Alternate Director (Pg.18 No. 2)

That “elect to stand” be struck and replaced with “accept” and that “decline to stand” be replaced with “respectfully decline the nomination” and that the wording be amended to read as:

The Director of Education or designate/Chairperson of the Meeting shall call for nominations and the nominee(s) shall indicate whether they accept or respectfully decline the nomination.


Election of Board Chairperson, Board Vice-chairperson, Committee Chairperson and Committee Vice-chairperson, third member of the Selection Committee and OPSBA Director/Alternate Director (Pg.18 No. 4)

That the wording “elects to stand” be struck and replaced with “accepts the nomination” and that the wording be amended to read as follows:

If only one person is nominated and accepts the nomination, that member shall be declared elected by acclamation.


Election of Board Chairperson, Board Vice-chairperson, Committee Chairperson and Committee Vice-chairperson, third member of the Selection Committee and OPSBA Director/Alternate Director (Pg.18 No. 7)

That the wording “stands for election” be struck and replaced with “accepts a nomination” and that the wording be amended to read as follows:

Where more than one nominee accepts a nomination, a vote will be taken by ballot and the member receiving a majority of the votes cast shall be declared elected.


Rules of Procedure at the Board (Page 21 No. 14)

That the wording “stand” be struck in No. 14.1, 14.2 and 14.3 and replaced with “rise if they are able” and that the wording be amended to read as follows:

14.1 those for the motion will be asked to rise if they are able until their names are noted;
14.2 those against the motion will be asked to rise if they are able until their names are noted;
14.3 Those abstaining will be asked to rise if they are able until their names are noted

Reports/Updates from Staff

John Dance, Director of Education, wished everyone a happy holiday season. Director Dance shared his appreciation for the support of the Board of Trustees as staff work to create a sense of belonging in SCDSB schools in alignment with the SCDSB Strategic Priorities and goals within the Operational Plan and Employment Equity Action Plan. Director Dance commented on the many celebrations, concerts, fundraisers, and holiday dinners that have been occurring and the important connection that our public school system has to the communities and families served. Director Dance shared that schools across the system continue to give back to the community and thanked students and staff for their efforts. Director Dance noted that one such example is the Kempenfelt Cup, taking place on Dec. 21 at the Sadlon Centre in Barrie, and that it has raised over $100,000 for Christmas Cheer over the past eight years.

SCDSB Celebrates
The SCDSB would like to highlight initiatives that are taking place in our schools that link directly to the SCDSB Strategic Priorities. View this month’s video feature.

Visit for information about future Board and Committee meetings.

Sarah Kekewich, Manager of Communications
705-734-6363 x11328 or [email protected]